Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Blessings are a wonderful gift to receive.

Call forth from the divine to see the perfection or beauty in your life.

You may be thinking I am greatly unhappy at work. I don't think I can see any perfection here. Or, my life is a mess there is no beauty anywhere.

As these examples may be true choose to see what you see differently.
How do you do this? Start small and simple.
Look directly into someone's eyes when you speak to them. Speak kind words. Speak with kind tones of voice.

Naught everyone looks the same. Instead of judging and speaking with that attitude try to be kind as you look into their eyes. This way how they look is of no importance. Watch the reaction. It may take a few times to become natural. One day practice pays off beauty will shine not only from their eyes but yours as well. The gift is given and received.

Notice how you feel. Feel the reaction from the other person.

If you like give it a try and let me know how it affects you.
